Events - Edimbourg Francais: Edinburgh's French Conversation Group


Thursday, September 28, 2006

On a personal note: Time for a new haircut?

Being in a state of perpetual reinvention, at the image of this blog (is it personal? is it a business? is it an open gate for a French person lost in Scotland's frustrations?), of course, it could only end like that: I contacted my auld friend from uni the Irish poet (yes, I did google him. For hours. He was not easy to find!) and it reminded me of:

O saisons O châteaux, quelle âme est sans défaut ...
I refer you to this, here, for the full picture [in English] about Rimbaud...

Anyway - I was thinking about my jeunesse folle, and of course, as one does in such occasion, I thought,
hey, I am going to have a haircut!
I actually went as far as mentioning it to Hubby: he turned green , because of course, it is a 'damned if you do, and damned if you don't' kind of situation for him...

I saw actual despair in his eyes, as he asked me to have my hair not cut, but styled - of course, the last time I had my hair cut, he had to console me for 3 months that, yes, my hair would grow back, and no, it didn't make my butt look big.

See, now, that is true love. Or maybe plain exasperation and disbelief.

[In any case, yes, I agree this does not really have much to do with French events in Edinburgh... But sometimes we are allowed brief moments of levity, arent' we?]

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